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ISO 17025 Meter Calibrators

Our laboratory is specialised in calibration of meter calibrators. Contact us Today to find out more about our services

Meter Calibrators Calibration

AMECaL is a Precision Calibration Laboratory accredited with ISO/IEC 17025:2017. With more than 20 years of experience and thousands of satisfied customers, we have managed to build a stable position on the market. AMECaL is also a brand of its own, selling certified electrical and environmental test equipment to customers all around the world.

There are many different types and models of calibrators. Those instruments are used to adjust an instrument accuracy often associated with specific application. Sensors used by electrical equipment have to meet rigorous requirements in terms of accuracy. That is why it is suggested to perform ISO 17025 certified calibration every 6 – 12 months.


Any make, model or type of test equipment will lose its accuracy over time. It is advisable to recalibrate tools every 6 – 12 months to ensure their proper working order. AMECaL is the solution for this problem. We offer comples services to our customers all around the world.


AMECaL has state of the art laboratory based in Newcastle Upon Tyne that is equipped with one of the most accurate high-end professional calibrators on this planet. Our company takes an active role in research and development process of new test instruments. We invented and constructed the most accurate and precise optical equipment. Our company manufactures its own range of test leads and equipment accessories.


Our experienced team can calibrate any type, make or model of calibrator in accordance to the British National Standard (traceable meter calibrator calibration) or ISO/IEC 17025:2017 international Standard (ISO 17025 calibrator calibration). We understand that every situation is different and customers have their individual requirements in terms of calibration and repair services. AMECaL is always open for custom quotes.

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Met-Cal House

Fisher Street

Newcastle upon Tyne


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