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ISO 17025 Weighting Chair Calibration

Our laboratory is specialised in calibration of weighting chairs. Contact us Today to find out more about our services

Weighting Chair Calibration

At AMECaL we are specialised in weighting chair calibration services in accordance to the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 international standard. Our company was established over 15 years ago and during that time we managed to work with many different makes and models of these items. Our dedicated team of experts is ready to perform weighting chair calibration services in our state of the art laboratory based in Newcastle Upon Tyne. We are accredited by Perry Johnson Laboratories (PJLA) and are proud of our quality label. This is the highest award that can be given to a calibration laboratory in this field of work.


A weighting chair is one of the most useful tools used in hospitals and medical clinics for weighting patients who cannot use standard scales. If a person is not able to stand on their own, weighting chair helps to measure their weight in quick and easy way. These tools usually have built in WI-Fi module that sends wireless data collected during measurement to the central database.


It is important to remember one thing about any measuring equipment. Due to temperature, pressure, humidity and human handling any tool will lose its accuracy and precision over time. Incorrect measuring results can cause disaster. That is why it is advisable to perform proper calibration services of measuring equipment every 6 – 12 months. AMECaL is accredited in this field of work an can be solution for this problem.


We offer two types of services to our clients. Our specialists can any chair scale in accordance to the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 international standard (ISO 17025 weighting chair calibration) or to the British National Standard (traceable weighting chair calibration). We understand that all customers have custom requirements and that is why we are always open for dialogue.



Met-Cal House

Fisher Street

Newcastle upon Tyne


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